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Whatever you are interested in, we've got it covered.


Whatever you are interested in, we've got it covered.


Evie Snoeyink

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief

Evie Snoeyink is a senior at Normal Community High School and is involved in Student Council. This is her third year working with the Inkspot, and she is the Editor-in-Chief. On the weekends I enjoy hanging out with friends and watching movies. I am interested in learning about different cultures and beliefs. In my free time, I enjoy reading books.

All content by Evie Snoeyink
Fresh off the Press: Episode Two - Teacher shortage crisis [podcast]

Fresh off the Press: Episode Two – Teacher shortage crisis [podcast]

Shae Simmons and Evie Snoeyink sit down with Mrs. Jennifer Renchen from the ISU college of Arts and Sciences to discuss the recent teacher shortage crisis.
Shae Simmons and Evie Snoeyink Jan 30, 2020
Shae Simmons and Evie Snoeyink sit down with Mrs. Jennifer Renchen from the ISU college of Arts and Sciences to discuss the recent teacher shortage crisis.
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Bradshaw reads aloud from the novel "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" by John Boyne as her students follow along.

An ongoing love: Bradshaw to retire after fostering learning at NCHS

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Jan 7, 2020

In a classroom, two students -- one wearing shiny white shoes, the other wearing worn down muddy sneakers - race to the front board to answer a question, attempting to win a point for their team in a test review game. Their classmates, some standing on top of desks, watch from the back of the room clapping...

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Fresh off the Press: Episode 1 - Hong Kong protests [podcast]

Fresh off the Press: Episode 1 – Hong Kong protests [podcast]

Shae Simmons and Evie Snoeyink Dec 18, 2019
Shae Simmons and Evie Snoeyink meet with Mr. Kelly Keogh, NCHS social studies teacher, to discuss the events happening in Kong Kong.
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Mrs. Cheryl Koth of the Foreign Language department teaches a French class the grammatical rules of the language. Koth’s time in front of the classroom is winding down as she is set to retire from a 22 year teaching career at the end of the semester.

[Photo] Language of life

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Feb 1, 2019

Mrs. Cheryl Koth of the Foreign Language department teaches a French class the grammatical rules of the language. Koth’s time in front of the classroom is winding down as she is set to retire from a 22 year teaching career at the end of the semester.

Video: 2019 Guy/girl dance

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Feb 20, 2019

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Mrs. Cathe Carter reviews a problem on the SmartBoard in her 3rd hour Honors Geometry class during her last semester teaching at NCHS.

Negative times negative = positive

Despite personal setbacks, retiring math teacher known for positive attitude
Evie Snoeyink and James Broach Feb 1, 2019

The teacher stands in front of the class. The students in their desks. The teacher explains a proof on the similarities of triangles. It’s a typical Monday morning. The walls of the classroom are decorated with student tessellation projects and PI day tissue boxes. Most math classes at NCHS are the...

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Three new courses available next school year

Three new courses available next school year

Preview of the new classes for 2019-2020 school year
Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Dec 10, 2018

Three new courses will be available for students, excluding freshman, during the 2019-2020 school year:  Introduction to Statistics, Introduction to Education, and Physical Science Applications in Agriculture (PSAA). “We have been looking to add more dual credit options for students,”  Mrs....

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Semi collides with West freshman basketball team bus; 2 adult fatalities

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Dec 6, 2018

The Normal Community West High School freshman girls basketball team bus was hit head-on by a semi-truck traveling the wrong direction on I-74 resulting in two adult fatalities. The crash occurred at 8:32 p.m. when a semi-truck traveling east on a westbound highway collided with the bus returning...

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Dr. Walker helps guide his students as they go through a lab.

A traveling journey

NCHS and NCWHS Teacher’s journey from Jamaica extends to the States
Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Nov 20, 2018

For Dr. Valentine Walker life has been a journey. The journey started when he “met a beautiful peace corp volunteer” and moved from his homeland in Jamaica to the United States where he became a dual credit Environmental Earth teacher at NCHS and NCWHS. Walker grew up along the countryside...

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The American flag stands outside the doors of NCHS. The stars and stripes are symbolic of the democratic ideals that are fading today.

Opinion: Cry for unity

Nation needs to start listening, start compromising
Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Nov 20, 2018

When George Washington left office he warned Americans of the dangers of political parties. But now, as a country, we still find ourselves running to them and are facing all the ramifications Washington predicted.   It's time for our nation to stop dividing and start unifying. America has become...

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AP exam deadline changes will require students to register for year-long courses in October - three months earlier than in prior years.

AP test registration deadline to change

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Oct 12, 2018

The 2019-2020 school year will bring nationwide changes to Advanced Placement test registration deadlines - moving the current deadlines forward for the May tests. Students enrolled in first-semester or year-long AP courses must register for AP testing in October; while students in second-semester...

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Mr. Matt Emberson's Material Applications and Processes class learns how to do a Concrete Lab.

STEM stuck in bloom

High school STEM classes face a shortage in female students
Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Oct 5, 2018

All the students knew was these boxy new machines that monopolized desk space.  They knew the pixelated green text that would appear on the black screen. They knew the hum of the machine as it worked to read programs from floppy disks. If they even really knew anything about computers at all. They...

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College and Career Resource Center launches at NCHS

College and Career Resource Center launches at NCHS

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Sep 5, 2018

Unit 5’s new College and Career Resource Center (CCRC) at both high schools seeks to provide students with the resources and support they need to create a plan for life after high school graduation. The CCRC’s aim is to make sure that all students, once they leave high school know what they are...

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The NCHS school mascot, Iron Ike, welcomes students into the 2018-19 school year.

2018-19 Back to school assembly

Will Dowell and Evie Snoeyink Aug 23, 2018

Normal Community students were welcomed to the 2018-2019 school year with an all-school assembly on the first day of classes.

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Shakespeare Shorts Photo Gallery

Four high school students worked hard to put on short versions of Shakespeare plays, called Shakespeare Shorts.
Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief May 22, 2018

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Review: Echosmith track a miss

Review: Echosmith track a miss

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief May 22, 2018

The newly released Echosmith song “Over My Head” is one you will want to get out of your head. Hit songs are rare and difficult for artists to produce. Artists aren’t able to make every song a hit, and Echosmith is no exception. This release fails to recapture the successful pop sound Echosmith...

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Broke in education

Broke in education

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief May 2, 2018

Is the funding system for education broke in  broken? Are politicians putting money where it is truly needed? 

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Spot the difference answer key

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Apr 10, 2018

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Apple CEO Tim Cook addresses the audience as the company took a field trip away from the site of its traditional announcements - heading to Chicago's Lane Tech High School - inviting members of the student media along. 

The focus of the day's announcements was Apple's renewed push into the classroom, aiming to blend "technology" and the "liberal arts".

[Photo] Apple unveils new educational products, pricing

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Mar 28, 2018

Apple CEO Tim Cook addresses the audience as the company took a field trip away from the site of its traditional announcements - heading to Chicago's Lane Tech High School - inviting members of the student media along. The focus of the day's announcements was Apple's renewed push into the classroom,...

Blooming Corsages

Blooming Corsages

How to pick out the right corsage
Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Feb 16, 2018

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All Around the World: NCHS teachers travel far from Normal

All Around the World: NCHS teachers travel far from Normal

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Jan 31, 2018


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Henry working with an athlete to get her back to 100 percent.

Behind the game

A look at the athletic trainers at NCHS
Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Jan 12, 2018

She wipes the sweat off her face and then dusts off her shoes. The burning sensation in her lungs reminds her it's the fourth quarter and she is exhausted, but her ankle is strong.   Her legs are worn out, they could cave under her weight at any moment now, but her ankle is strong. She is deaf...

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The 300 word series is inspired by Brady Dennis's St. Petersburg Times column.

300 Words: A new world

Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Dec 14, 2017

1000 miles per hour. The rate at which Earth constantly rotates. One giant sphere in space, steadily orbiting one enormous ball of power. Astronomers argue we are only moving in a circle, repeating our path. Summer. Fall. Winter. Spring. Repeat. Philosophers argue that with every new season...

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Ms. Jeanne Urbance will retire at the end of the 2017-2018 school year. Take a look at Urbance through the years (and through yearbook photos). Clockwise from upper left: 1984; 1993; 1999: 2000; 2009; 2017.

Teacher tribute

Urbance’s years as a teacher come to a close as she will retire at the end of the school year
Evie Snoeyink, Editor in Chief Nov 7, 2017

Ms. Jeanne Urbance of the English Department and sponsor of the Thespian club will retire after 34 years of service to Unit 5 students and to Normal Community High School.    Urbance’s teaching career could have taken her in a direction that never brought her to NCHS at all. Originally, Urbance...

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Mr. Trevor Chapman, after Mr. Dave Bollmann's retirement, addresses the student body during the all school assembly. Chapman's duties as NCHS principal began during the summer, but this was his first day as NCHS principal with students in attendance.

New principal, new changes

Trevor Chapman takes on role of principal; NCHS reacts to new leadership

Mr. Trevor Chapman plans on making modifications to how NCHS operates as a first year administrator at Normal Community High School, but Chapman intends balance. While he will implement changes to some of the processes and procedures around the building, Chapman wants to preserve aspects of the old administration...

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