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Whatever you are interested in, we've got it covered.


Ellery Fry

Ellery Fry , Photo & Design

Ellery Fry is senior and first year journalism student. She is on the Photo & Design desk for the Inkspot. Although Ellery has writing experience from English classes, this is her first time writing for a publication. Ellery is currently in her fourth year as a varsity cheerleader and is involved in many clubs through the school. She also enjoy Harry Potter, cats, and hanging out with friends.



All content by Ellery Fry

Top 9 things to do with your senior mug

Ellery Fry, Photo & Design Apr 10, 2013

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Liberty in North Korea promotion for their new movie.

North Korea comes to NCHS

Ellery Fry, Photo & Design Mar 17, 2013

The NCHS Geography Club and the Liberty in North Korea organization are joining forces in the fight to liberate North Korea. The Liberty in North Korea organization has produced a movie following Danny, a refugee that escaped from North Korea. On Monday, March 18th, NCHS Geography Club will be hosting...

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NCHS students sign their National Letters of Intent

NCHS Students Sign National Letter of Intent

Ellery Fry, Photo & Design Feb 25, 2013

February 6th, better known as National Signing Day, could be the turning point in many young athletes lives. National Signing Day is when prospective college athletes sign their Nations Letter of Intent (NLI) to their respective colleges. The NLI requires a signature from the prospective athlete and...

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What We Will Miss in College

What We Will Miss in College

Ellery Fry, Photo & Design Feb 25, 2013

For seniors, decision time is upon us. Making decisions regarding universities and life after high school (yes, its does exist) is the hardest choice many of us have faced so far in life. While getting wrapped up in the excitement, many of us neglect the simple luxuries we will soon be without. The shock...

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Older brother Trevor shoots the ball at a regional game vs. Danville

Brothers Share the Court

Ellery Fry, Photo & Design Feb 19, 2013

Lately, it seems like winning is a family trait, which has recently been the case for the NCHS boy’s basketball team. Brothers Tyler and Trevor are both members of the varsity basketball team. If the resemblance doesn’t give them away, the Seibring height sure will. Both boys are key members of the...

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HGTV Dream Home Sweepstakes

HGTV Dream Home Sweepstakes

Ellery Fry, Photo & Design Feb 12, 2013

With the deadline quickly approaching, participants only have till February 15th to enter to win HGTV’s 2013 Dream Home. Annually, HGTV holds a contest for viewers to win a destination house, cash prize, and car. This is the 17th annual HGTV Dream Home sweepstakes. Previous locations include Park City...

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Head 2 Head: Qdoba vs. Moe’s

Ellery Fry and Nathan Flessner Feb 1, 2013

Being greeted with an enthusiastic yet unsynchronized “Welcome to Moe’s” is only a greeting into the Moe’s atmosphere. This dine in or carry out restaurant can satisfy anyone looking for a unique taste of the southwest. Glancing up at the massive menu posted on the wall, you can choose from...

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Ticket stubs for the Sadie Hawkins Dance.

Sadie Hawkins Dance

Ellery Fry, Photo & Design Jan 17, 2013

Normal Community student council members are hosting a Sadie Hawkins dance on Saturday February 16 at NCHS. A Sadie Hawkins dance compels girls to step into the shoes of a boy and be the one to choose a date for the dance. The dance goes against classic dance clichés flipping gender rolls on both...

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An inside view of a tanning bed.

No tanning law change in Illinois

Ellery Fry, Photo & Design Jan 17, 2013

Contrary to public speculation, no new tanning laws will be in effect in the Bloomington-Normal area.  Confusion may be surfacing from cities such as Chicago and Springfield, which are banning minors from using indoor tanning beds regardless of parental consent. reveals a motion from March...

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Shoppers gathered as early as Monday to line up for Best Buy's sales

“Black Monday” Shoppers

Ellery Fry, Photo & Design Nov 26, 2012

With big anticipation for Friday’s crowds, a line formed early outside of Best Buy.  Thomas Gross of Mackinaw accompanied with Nicole Wright and NCHS freshman, Hunter Wright, of Normal set up their camp at 2 pm Monday afternoon.  The group had high hopes for the limited quantity 50-inch flat screen...

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