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Whatever you are interested in, we've got it covered.


Kelsey Hinshaw

Kelsey Hinshaw, News

Kelsey Hinshaw is a seventeen-year-old senior. This is her first year as a journalism student. Along with writing, her other hobbies include photography, watching Netflix, reading, and singing. Kelsey was a gymnast for 12 years and she also use to play soccer and volleyball. She is, however, no longer involved in any sports. Kelsey feels that being a writer for the Inkspot’s News desk is a great way to concludes her years at Normal Community.

All content by Kelsey Hinshaw

Hair styles for prom

Kelsey Hinshaw, News Apr 22, 2013

Prom night is closely approaching and it can be stressful finding the perfect hairstyle. Luckily there is no need to waste hours endlessly searching for the perfect look because here are the top 5 Prom Hairdos according to On top of everything, spending days shopping for the perfect...

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ISU photography adventure

ISU photography adventure

Kelsey Hinshaw, News Mar 5, 2013

From March 18 through May 9, some of the astonishing photos taken by about 50 Ironmen, will be on display at the ISU art gallery. These lucky students were apart of an ISU art project called the T.E.A.M. Series, which permits select ISU students to come to other schools,such as our own, and teach photography...

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Head 2 Head: Cherry Berry vs. Chill Out

Head 2 Head: Cherry Berry vs. Chill Out

Arianna Collier and Kelsey Hinshaw Feb 5, 2013

As you may know, the newest frozen yogurt place in Bloomington Normal is called Cherry Berry. Some say this is a better version of Chill Out, but many others disagree. The moment you walk in the doors, you are mesmerized  by a number of different, delicious flavors. According to Cherry Berry's website,...

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The Dinky Camera

The Dinky Camera

Kelsey Hinshaw, News Jan 26, 2013

 This “Lytro Light Field” camera is a new revolutionary way of capturing an image so you are able to focus and re-focus the image after you’ve taken it. Because of this, there is no shutter delay, which means the second you press the shutter button you immediately capture the image. The exciting...

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Talk About A Head Turner

Kelsey Hinshaw, News Jan 25, 2013

Custom officials at the O’Hare International Airport in Chicago were in for a huge surprise last week when they found 18 frozen heads in an X-ray screening. Contrary to people’s initial beliefs, no foul play was involved. Thankfully, the heads were being used for medical research in Italy, and were...

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Semester Recap

Semester Recap

Kelsey Hinshaw, News Dec 20, 2012

Now that the semester is winding down and coming to an end, it is important to reflect on the things that have happened so far here at NCHS. For the seniors who are graduating early, these are the final weeks of your high school career. Throughout the crazy changes and unexpected events that have occurred...

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Upcoming Trend: Caviar Nail Polish

Upcoming Trend: Caviar Nail Polish

Kelsey Hinshaw, News Nov 28, 2012

The world of cosmetics is constantly changing, which makes it difficult to keep up with the fluctuating trends. Fortunately, I found one trend that is sure to stick around for a while. The nail polish, Caviar by Ciaté, has become an over night sensation. People are discovering this unique brand and...

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NCHS Madrigal Dinner

Kelsey Hinshaw, News Nov 28, 2012

NCHS is hosting their annual Madrigals dinner, which will be held Friday, November 30th at 6:30 p.m., and Saturday, December 1st at 1:00 p.m. The dinner and show will be held in the multipurpose room, which is located at the east end of the school by the fishbowl. If you come on Friday, you will...

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