Layer. There are countless nail polish colors that can be purchased from any cosmetic company out there. But layering nail polish can create an original color. If you cannot seem to find the perfect paint or don’t want to be spending any more money on nail polish… experiment! Taking a dark shade and applying a sheer or sparkle over it can create a completely new look.
Reuse. Old nail polish can get crumby and very thick, which makes it unable to use. If you only paint your nails every so often, then your colors are wasting away. If you pick up one of your old colors and are sad to find that it is no longer thin enough to use, do not throw it away! To reuse old nail polish, take your everyday nail polish remover and add a couple drops to your favorite shade and shake it up. This will allow the color to re-liquefy and be ready to use again.
File. Not only can nail polish change the look of your fingernails, but so can the use of a nail file. Most people only use nail files when their nails get too long or if a nail breaks off. But shaping your nails with a file can make for an edgy look. Squaring off your nails makes a statement or rounding them gives a softer and subtler feel. If you usually wear your nails short, try something new and grow them out for the summer.
Tape. If you are feeling really inspired, you can take more time out of your day to focus on your nails. Using tape to make shapes of different color on your nails takes a little bit longer than a normal polish change, but it is worth it. The uses of tape for painting nails are endless. Painting a base coat of one color and then allowing it to dry is the first step. After that, you can put tape over the original color to keep it safe from a new shade. Applying another color will form a color block look. More than one color of nail polish at a time is super fun and it puts your creative side to use.