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Whatever you are interested in, we've got it covered.


Magdalene Stiennen

Maggie Stiennen, Staff Writer

Maggie Stiennen is a senior at Normal Community High School who loves English class. This is her first year with The Inkspot and is a staff writer.

My all-time favorite quote is “abundance is a mindset.”

My hobbies include painting, playing guitar mediocrely, and writing.

I am most comfortable when I’m alone, either in my car or room.

My go-to guilty pleasure movie is The Devil Wears Prada.

All content by Maggie Stiennen
The Madrigals 20th-anniversary show was recorded live on the last day of in-person learning during fall semester in place of the traditional dinner and dessert shows.

20th anniversary Madrigals performance goes remote

Myra Saulat and Maggie Stiennen Dec 17, 2020

COVID-19 forced this year's Madrigal singers to perform their 20th-anniversary concert without an audience, recording an emergency performance on Nov. 17 in preparation for Unit 5's return to remote learning. Madrigals director Mr. Ben Luginbuhl, then in his fourth year teaching, and the court singers...

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