The success from last year’s National Bike 2 School Day resulted in an extension of the Constitution Trail down Airport Road and onto Raab Road. The weather has been less permitting this year, and bikers are just now getting back on the trail.
While gathering as many people to participate in National Bike 2 School Day as last year presents itself to be a challenge, Bike 2 School club plans to round up even more cyclists. National Bike 2 School will be held on Wednesday, May 8, followed by a ribbon cutting on the trail with the mayor. Speeches from Bike 2 School leaders and social studies teacher Kevin Suess will take place at the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Though safety is important for the bikers to learn, it’s also crucial that drivers are equally cautious when bikers are present. We tend to believe that when we are behind the wheel, everyone obeys our laws. Road rage is bad enough as is, and putting slow moving cyclists on the road seems to revert drivers back to their preschool attitudes on sharing. Based on the behavior of drivers recently, it must be the world’s biggest inconvenience to get in the left lane for a few seconds to safely pass bikers.
All types of transportation must take precautions. Bikers know how much concentration it takes to get through traffic alive. Behind the wheel, we tend to zone out and assume that the road is ours. However cliche, we really do have to share the road.
To make the roads safer for National Bike 2 School Day, Normal Police Department will provide an escort on the morning trip from Four Seasons II to the trail on Raab Road.
Anyone interested in biking can sign up at the Bike 2 School tables during the lunch hours, RSVP on the Facebook event page, or simply find information about National Bike 2 School day at