Unit 5 will continue remote learning for the remainder of the fall semester, according to a district email sent to parents this morning.
When Unit 5 returned to remote learning on Wed., Nov. 18, the district had initially planned for students to return to in-person learning on Dec. 7; however, remote learning has been extended through Dec. 18.
The district is “committed to offering in-person instruction when health and safety conditions enable us to do so,” according to Superintendent Dr. Kristen Weikle’s email; however, “the metrics indicate that community spread is significant at this time.”
Families have the option to change a student’s learning choice for second semester by accessing a survey form through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Unit 5 will continue to review and update their COVID-19 policies and protocols when the Pandemic Advisory Committee meets “prior to winter break to evaluate and discuss what has worked well and what can be improved, and changes that need to be made moving forward.”
The school district has reviewed the recently updated CDC travel recommendations; families traveling internationally to any areas in Levels 2-4 during winter break may be required to quarantine.
“We recognize that nothing about COVID has been easy,” Weikle said, “and appreciate all that [Unit 5 families] have done to support your student(s) and Unit 5 staff…. We will keep you informed of any changes.”