Heartland Community College (HCC) is providing nine one-hour college GPS (Guided Path to Success) workshops for seniors.
Workshops begin January 16th and will continue on Wednesday nights through March 13th from 3-3:30. Students will gain expert coaching and building essential study and life skills while earning a college credit for free. The college credit can be transferred to any community college or university of the student’s choice.
The nine workshops consist of targeting success, motivating self, becoming an active student, mastering time management, improving test performance, navigating the college selection process, exploring your strengths and career choices, deciding a college major, and finally transitioning to college. Students are encouraged to take all nine courses but only seven are needed to receive the credit.
Along with taking the workshops students would have to complete follow-up assignments and a reflective essay within the same academic year. If students aren’t interested in gaining a credit they are still welcome to come to the classes just for the learning experience.
Seniors can fill out the online application at www.heartland.edu.application. If there are any questions feel free to talk to your counselor or contact Jennie Kearney, Program Assistant for Enrollment Program at either [email protected] or 309-268-8401.